Active Or Passive Lordship
GOD - THE ORIGINAL MOVER AND SHAKER! OUR GOD IS A GOD OF CONSTANT ACTION AND ADVENTURE! From Genesis to Revelation we see a God who "neither slumbers nor sleeps."(Ps. 121:4) Whenever God shows up on the scene things begin to happen - and in a big way! Pillars of fire, parting seas, rivers turning to blood, earthquakes, floods - the Bible has got to be the most action-packed Book that has ever been written! That's because the Author is totally involved with His creation. He is continually interacting with His people to bring about His dynamic plans and purposes - not only for their lives, but for whole cultures and entire nations as well. The clear testimony of the Bible is that everyone who submits his life to the Lord will be swept up into this whirlwind of action, excitement, and adventure that is a part of the very being of God. Abraham is a settled, "respectable" shepherd until he meets God. Then he has one adventure after another following the Lord...