Pharisees, Sadducees, or Jesus
And why do some others think God is more interested in our earthly comfort than in our eternal character? These two concepts of God were actually a legacy from the people of ancient Israel. The Pharisees preached a God of judgment and wrath, whereas the Sadducees worshipped a God of pomp and circumstance. Two thousand years ago, the Jewish people were hopelessly locked into a religion made up of these two radical extremes. But when Jesus arrived on the scene, something incredible took place. Not only did He free men from the law of sin and death, He also set people free from the religious seesaw they'd been chained to by the Pharisees and Sadducees. He gave the human race something they'd been lacking for a long, long time: an accurate picture of what Cod is really like. Who Were The Pharisees?- Let's look at the Pharisees - a group of men balanced on one end of this religious seesaw. The most important thing you need to remember about the Pharisees is that the